Sunday, April 10, 2016

Production Report Numba One

In this post I will be reporting on the content I have created and I will be showing the rough cut content I have that coincides with my Outline. I will be covering a bit about my production process and showing some of the progress I've made so far.

Audience Questions:

1. How did you decide to use form to present your content in the raw material you’ve shared here? How did the conventions of your chosen genre influence your choices?

  • I chose to do a podcast so my raw material is a short excerpt of the audio recording from my podcast. I have yet to really figure out the recording and editing software so this is just a small, unedited, cut. I tried to make the audio seem conversational and friendly while still maintaining a voice of authority. Because the assignments is an argument I think it is important to sound like a peer while still sounding confident and commanding.

2. How did the production of this raw material go? What kinds of any hiccups, challenges, successes, creative epiphanies, etc. occurred during the process?

  • The hiccups of this excerpt mainly centered around me either stuttering or reading a word wrong when trying to record myself reading my script. I had to record it like 13 times and there are still some awkward lulls where I didn't say the word fast enough or said it wrong entirely. I definitely realized that this assignment will be easiest if I record things in small chucks and then put them together at the end.

Author Response:

Outline Item

Topic Introduction:
  • Talk about panhandlers on the street
    • Relate homelessness to real life
      • Statistics concerning Homeless rates in the US
        • Drug Use Stats
      • Stats concerning drug use in the Homeless Community
        • Tie into Personal experience with my momma
          • Personal Connection

Adaptation of Outline Item


  1. Hi Julia,

    I like the topic you have chosen! I think you bring a good energy to the podcast. You wrote in your post that you want to sound like a peer, but also confident and commanding. You definitely achieve this.

    I created a podcast for my project 2 and I think you should definitely split the recordings into smaller segments and piece them all together. It makes the editing A LOT easier and allows you to include other podcast features like sound effects and music.

    I know this is a very rough piece, but it might help to make a list of the sound effects and transitioning music you want to add. I found that this helped me center the tone and message of my podcast. You can add the sounds of a busy city street, the sound of jiggling coins, and maybe some somberish, calmer music to set the tone of the podcast. I also added this to my content outline, which made piecing the final version easier.

    I like the way you incorporated the story of one man and how much money he makes through panhandling. It's a good emotional appeal that leads to the logical appeal (facts). I noticed you wrote in your outline that you were going to incorporate personal experienced, but I did not find that in the podcast excerpt. Once you add that, it will give you credibility, because your audience will know you are very invested in your argument. And at that point, you will have incorporated ethos, logos, and pathos.

    You podcast is coming along well! I hope some of my suggestions were helpful!

  2. Hey Julia! Your podcast seems to be going really well! One thing that I would add to your final edition of your podcast is some music to the beginning to set the tone of the podcast. This is simple but does make a difference. Other than that, your form and content together for the opening of your podcast seem really good, keep it up!
