Sunday, April 17, 2016

Open Post to Peer Reviewers

In this Post I will be providing a link to my revised version of my Podcast. In order to make it accessible I converted it into a movie and posted in on YouTube but when the final cut is turned in it will be done in an audio only format.

Audience Questions:

1. What are you anticipating the post-production II process to be like, based on what you accomplished during the post-production I phase?

  • I still have some work to do honestly. I feel like my argument is weak and I still need to edit a few minutes of audio. I know I can have all of that done by Wednesday so I will still have time for additional peer review. Editing any of my audio shouldn't be too much of a hassle because I recorded it all in small chunks and am now acquainted with the software.

Author Response:

  • Well at this point a major weakness is that it isn't completely finished! But the audio has been recorded and is awaiting editing! I underestimated the learning curve I would have when learning how to edit it audio and it ended up soaking up much of my time in the last few days. However I've got it down now and will have a full project finished by Wednesday at the latest! Despite this major flaw I am very confident in what is already produced. I back up my statements with facts and Homeless people's testimonies and I loaded my argument with emotional appeals. I think it is a strong argument but the audio just needs a little tweaking.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Julia!

    I mostly want to give a genre recommendation. I think it might be good not to overlap your intro dialogue with the music you selected. It was a little hard to understand you through it, so if you could either boost the volume of the voice track there or play one of the tracks before the other (in whichever order seems better to you), that would probably help a lot. This might be more of a content thing but I also think you'll be well off if you add a conclusion of some sort. Just a quick little summary of your reasons for making the argument you're making would keep everything clear and ensure that your audience knows what you're advocating for. Other than that I think you're well off! Good project and it's a really meaningful topic! And your anecdote about your experience with the homeless with your mom gives you some credibility, so good job with that as well. :)
