Sunday, April 17, 2016

Peer Review For Mike D.

In this blog post I will be reviewing Mike. Mike is a stdent in my same section who also did a podcast. Mike did his podcast on the Apple v. Gavernment information conflict.

My Peer review for Mike can be found here

Audience Question:

1. How did you practice your editorial skills this week in peer review?

  • This week I used my editorial skills to critique Mike on his delivery when recording his podcast.

Author Response:
  • I did a Peer Review for Mike D. Mike is creating a podcast like myself and is focusing his argument on phone privacy and security issues. I looked at Mike's Open post to peer reviewers and commented on Genre conventions. I advised Mike to go back through his podcast and located the places where he stutters or stumbles over his words. In his 14 minute podcast he has very few slip ups that the ones that he does have make his podcast seem overly scripted and because his intro and story is so smooth it doesn't seem cohesive. I think this advise is helpful because it will help him generate a better, more podcast like segment. I really admired and enjoyed the life and personality he brought to his podcast and I hope I can do the same.

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