Sunday, April 17, 2016

Peer Review for Erin

In this blog post I will be talking about my peer review for Erin. Erin is a student in he section 6 class and therefore not a student in my section. She created a video essay around the argument of animal rights specifically animals in SeaWorld.

My Peer Review for Erin can be found here

Audience Question:

How did you practice your editorial skills this week in peer review?

  • I used my editorial skills to advise Erin of a different way to carry her voice to ideally make her video essay more interesting to watch/listen to, and hopefully make her points seem more convincing,
Author response:
  • I did a review for Erin's video essay after she posted it for open peer review. Though I have never made a video essay I have made podcast so I feel as though I can honestly critique the audio aspect of her video. I reviewed her final cut and commented on genre conventions. I commented and said that because a video essay is both visual and audible she needed to make sure her audio was as strong as her visual. Right now she has a really solid argument but her voice is so monotone that it's confusing that  she would even want to argue. She seems disengaged and doesn't seem interested in the topic at all. I advised that she change up her tone a wee bit to give her argument more personality and therefore more emotional appeal to the viewer/listener. I did not use the student's guide but instead experience and other genre examples to back up my comments. When I create a video essay starting next week I hope to have visuals that are as strong as Erin's as she made a video that was very interesting to watch. 

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