Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Peer Review for Fernando

In this Blog post I will be giving a quick description of the comments I gave Fernando on his Rhetorical Analysis of project 3. He is dealing with feminist issues which are dear to my heart so I think I was the right person to try and lend a helping hand.

My comments can be found here.

Fernando is a student who is not in my section but he is also creating a podcast so I was interested to see how this would change his audience and overall analysis if it changed it at all. Fernando, or Fern a nickname that his blog suggests, is creating his argument based on issues with gender in the gaming community. I did my project one on issues of equality on a larger scale so I was sympathetic to the bias issues Fern was facing. In the Author section of his post he states that he may have a bit of an anti-feminist bias but that he plans on ignoring this bias and trying to put it behind him. I advised against this. I think that, in this situation, he should embrace his bias and speak freely and truthfully about his opinions on the topic but maybe state his bias directly so that the audience knows where the argument is coming from. This advice comes from my knowledge of arguing. If you try to argue but you hold back on what you're really thinking your argument will always seem incomplete. I also advised that he utilize his sister who he thinks would have a vested interest in the matter in order to get a female opinion that could either validate or negate his anti-feminist views. I think this advice is helpful in creating a more true and complete argument that  will be more convincing for the audience.

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