Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Peer Review for Jacob

In this blog post I will be covering the peer review I did for a fellow classmate, Jacob. I commented on his Rhetorical Situation Analysis and gave him feed back on who is Audience should most likely be as I believe this was the most vague portion of his post.

My review can be found here.

I peer reviewed Jacob's Rhetorical Analysis blog post, Jacob is a member of my section and is doing his project 3 assignment on the most recent Star wars movie. I have never seen the movie, I'm more of a Harry Potter fan than a Star Wars fan, so I cannot help when it comes to content but I tried to provide some insight on the actual Rhetoric of the situation. I commented on Jacob's obvious passion around the topic as I believe that passion is important here. How can you argue if you don't really care? but I critiqued his vision of the audience. Because I know nothing about the topic I was very confused and lost when reading his analysis. The topic is not something I know about at all and therefore I would not be the ideal audience. Jacob says that the ideal audience is comprised of "star wars as" but I critiqued that that may be to broad of an audience to write for. Self proclaimed fans may just enjoy the movies and not think any deeper about the issues of film similarities. I think The audience needs to be educated movie goers who have seen, and remember, all of the movies that Jacob is referencing. I used the info we have talked about in class to back up my comments as we have talked about the audience and the necessary specificity  of this analysis at length in class. Jacob's analysis, otherwise, was VERY thorough which I really admire, he obviously did research prior to analyzing his rhetorical situation and I think that was the right move and something I wish I had done as well.

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