Sunday, April 24, 2016

Peer Review for Nicholas Hoover

In this post I will be providing a peer review for Nicholas Hoover, a student in my section. Nicholas wrote a Standard College Essay and I will be commenting on the genre conventions of his work.

Audience Question:
How did you practice your editorial skills this week in peer review?

  • I practiced my editorial skills by commenting on the genre conventions of Nick's work. Because I have done a SCE before I feel at liberty to send some pointers his way. I believe that I was able to draw upon my own knowledge as a student in order to help Nick improve his work.

Author Response:

  • Nicholas wrote his essay on the Shoddy connectivity of the US internet. He titled his piece "The Costs of Shoddy Connectivity: The Terrible State of the US Internet, and How to Fix It". The title is very informational and lets the reader know what the argument is right off the bat, something I enjoy and think is entirely necessary as it is a genre convention. With that being said I think Nicholas missed the mark on a few other genre conventions. He used a lot of specific information and a lot of numbers yet there are no in-text citations and no works cited page. This worries me as those are two of the most important genre conventions and also make the paper legal as opposed to seeming plagiarized, like he stole information without credit. I think I helped Nicholas by giving him some pointers and reminding him of the Genre conventions that can save his grade and keep him from getting in trouble. I used information I know about the genre from my own experience of writing a SCE in order to comment on Nicholas' and I really appreciated the attention to detail that Nicholas brought to his essay. The work was full of specific information but it still felt like an argument not just a paper.

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