Sunday, February 7, 2016

The Time Period

Herrera, Chuck. "Clock". 09/09/2014 via Pixabay.
CC0 Public Domain.
My controversy is fairly current, October 12th, 2015, just under half a year ago. In this post I will be looking for other events that happened in Los Angeles on October 12th.




On October 12th, 2015 there was a lot of murder and mayhem, as my dad would say, going on in the world. Obama met with 60 minutes and tried to defend himself on the issue of Syria. Meanwhile, in Turkey ISIS was believed to be tied to a deadly terrorist attack in Turkey. There was also an Israeli Airstrike that killed a pregnant woman and her 2 year old son. In California however, the most dramatic news I found was about reforming the education system and USC's football coach being deemed too ill to coach his team. I am not here to say that the issue with USC's coaches health isn't important but in the grand scheme of things, LA was in fairly good shape on October 12th.

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