Sunday, February 28, 2016

My Field of Study

Davenport, Julia. (2015). Hidden [Film Photograph]. Albuquerque, NM: Albuquerque Museum.

In this post I will be giving a bit of background information on my desired field of study. (For this project I will be focusing on art as opposed to business).

1. What do students in your program or department learn how to do?

Students in my department learn how to create works and express themselves freely. Depending on focus students will learn techniques in painting, drawing, sculpture, photography, print making, or design. I will be focusing on Photography, preferably film photo with a hint of digital. (The included photo is my own). I will learn how to use the photo equipment as well as learn how to develop my own photos, mix my own chemicals, and edit and adjust photos as needed.

2. What do people who get degrees in this field usually go on to do for work?

This is a loaded question. What do you do with an art degree? If you ask my mom she'll say you become a bar tender but that's not entirely true. Art majors, especially photo majors, often go into journalism. Other's work in galleries, open galleries and sell and display their own work, many go back to school to become a teacher of art. I am double majoring and will be pursuing a career in advertising or a career as a Museum Curator.

3.What drew you to this field?

Without a doubt I was drawn to this field because of my passion for design, beauty, and expression. I entered college as a Pre-Engineering major but quickly changed because I was not excited for my future in engineering, I was only excited bout the prospect of money. I am passionate about photography. I started doing film in the 10th grade, I learned how to take photos using my moms Olympia film camera that she has from high school, I then learned how to mix chemicals to develop the film and then learned how to develop the actual photos in the dark room. I am passionate most of all about portraiture and the human body.

4. Name three of the leaders/most exciting people involved in this field right now in 2016. Why are they interesting or exciting to you? These could be individual people or specific companies, organizations, businesses or non-profits. Hyperlink us to a homepage professional website for each person, if possible.

Annie Leibovitz: a fashion photographer for Vogue Leibovitz is renowned for her portraiture and portrayal of the human body. She is Vogues most popular and famous photographer.

Cindy Sherman: Sherman focuses on portraiture in a way that questions women's role in society. As you probably know from the last project I am very into equality for all, namely gender equality. Sherman photographs subjects not for photojournalism but instead to create art.

Nick Brandt: Brandt uses film!!! As opposed to the much easier to use digital cameras and hot shoe flashes today Brandt uses no zoom black and white or color film cameras to capture his images. Digital cameras are not only easier to use but photographs can be easily perfected using computer programs, film photography is much more skillful so I have the up-most respect for Nick Brandt.

5. What are the names of three leading academic/scholarly journals in your field? Where are they published? Give us the names and locations of at least 3.

1. International Journal of Art & Design Education
    - Published by NSEAD (the National Society for Education in Art and Design)

2. Leonardo
   - Published online and in print. visit online resource.

3. Philosophy of Photography
   - Published by Intellect Ltd., a UK based academic journal

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