Sunday, February 28, 2016

My interview subjects

In this blog post I'll be providing a little bit of background info on my two interview subjects.
Krause, Janelle. "Janelle Krause Selfie". 06/29/2015 via twitter.
CC0 Public Domain.
1. Janelle Krause:
2. Name of organization: Grad student at the University of Arizona
3. Higher Education Degree: Bachelors in Visual Arts (Drawing and Painting) from the U of A, 1st year grad student perusing a degree in Visual Culture
4. # of Years in the field: Doing art since she can remember, art professional since May 2015
5. Pictures and Links: Picture is to the left, links:: Twitter, LinkedIn
6. Wednesday, March 2nd at 3:30 at the Scented Leaf on University
7. 1. You have a specific interest in Conservation art, why is that?
2. What is your desired profession after you receive your masters?
 3. How do you use writing for school as an art grad student?
4. How do you use writing in the U of A Gallery where you work?
5. How do you use writing as a teacher of FYE art courses?
6. Do you believe that your drawings and paintings could be considered a form of writing/communication?
7. What problems do you face when creating a work be it writing or art in the traditional sense?
8. It is said that many great artists cannot write because their brains are two right sided for analytical writing. Do you agree or disagree with this? 
Black, Becky. "The Art Moves Me". 11/17/2012 via twitter.
CC0 Public Domain.
1. Becky Black
2. Name of organization and job title: Doctoral Student at the University of Arizona looking to recieve a PhD in Art and Visual culture education and Graduate TA in art history courses.
3. Bachelors in Art History (U of A), Masters in Visual Culture (U of A), pursuing PhD.
4. Years active: teaching since August 2010
5. Photos and links: photo is featured to the left, links:: twitter, Facebook
6. Monday, April 22nd at 11:00 am at Mrs. Black's office in Harvil
7. 1. What genre do you write in as a teacher?
2. What genre do you work in as an art commentator and art history buff?
3. When I asked you to talk about writing in art did you think of ART as a form of writing in and of itself?
4. What is your doctoral dissertation covering?
5. do you aim to be a professor at the university or is teaching just temporary?
6. Where could one find an example of your writing/work? Is it public?
7. What was the most surprising form of writing for you as a professional?
8. What is your favorite genre of communication?

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