Sunday, February 28, 2016

My Interviewees as Professional Writers

Banalities. "Books/1". 09/05/2007 via fkickr.
CC0 Attribution 2.0.

In this blog post I will be reporting on my interviewees public writing. I will be briefly describing both the content and form that my interview subjects utilize to write.

Becky: Becky writes educational articles centered around the theme of art History. Her works, instead of being observational type pieces, question the ideas that people may have about work. She seems to focus on gender roles and other rights issues primarily. She has not created anything recently however. Here is a link to her article archive.

Janelle: Janelle writes blog posts, primarily. They are all accompanied by a drawing or painting that she created and some post are located within a blog magazine called Murmurations Magazine. She also writes for her classroom work as a FYE art teacher here at the U of A. She writes project write ups and descriptions and even as a teacher her writing is very friendly and informal.


Becky writes Op-Ed and educational articles while Janelle tends to write more fun, inspired blogs. Janelle creates art and then writes about it. Why did she make it, what purpose does it serve, was it worth it, that kind of thing. She takes the more artsy rode and instead of talking about art in a educational sense she writes about it from the artists perspective. Becky does the opposite. Her writing, first and foremost is analytical. She does not write about the art she makes or that kind of thing but instead comments on and questions art that has been created by others. She writes op-ed articles on movies, old art pieces, and other works but all commentary is based on modern issues such as the issues of war and gender equality.

Becky: Becky's articles are not very recent. Her most recent article was written in April of 2012 so almost 4 years ago. All of her articles are published on the British Scholar. The British Scholar has lost of articles form many contributors but most articles are split into categories of Op-Ed, Art, Book Reviews, or Uncategorized. The website is a database for articles written for and by very intelligent people who care about reading, writing, art and education.

Janelle: Janelle's writing is more for herself than for anyone else, she even said so in her interview. She writes about the art she has already made and in some cases says that she made what she made simply because she could, she says this specifically in her procrastination piece. Her writing is friendly and gives the reader a pretty good idea of Janelle's personality. Her writing is not to be analytical or informative but instead is done to expand on an idea that she is having in the moment. Her tea post makes this very clear, she was stressed thinking about Tea and thus created the death by tea drawing and wrote a piece to go along with it.

Piece 1- This article takes a look at how gender is portrayed in art. The portraits she refers to look like men but are dressed like women and vice versa. She comments on the gender roles and how they are represented even in olden art. The title of this article claims to be an Op-Ed as she is oposing other opinions on gender representation.

Piece 2- The overall message of this piece is mostly informative and a bit on the contradictory opinion side. Becky writes on the anniversary of the Titanic (british so it makes sense on the british website) about how photography and film misrepresent and romanticize this horrendous occasion in history.

Piece 1- This piece basically outlines types of tea and what they should be used for when consuming them. She made a small drawing to go along with the friendly little piece. This blog makes me giggle a little because I know Janelle and this post truly embodies her free spirit, cutesy, friendly side.

Piece 2- This blog post is is just about procrastination. It's genuinely an account of what she's done instead of writing her term paper as she claims she should. She instead drew a cute little house and talks about the significance and reason she drew it.

Piece 1- The purpose of this article is to make readers think about the use of gender, even in the early 1900's and now in the modern world. Have gender roles changed us much as we think they have? This article questions whether gender relationships are any different.

Piece 2- The purpose of this article is to inform the reader of the issues in representation of film ad photo and provided a clearer and more accurate view of the tragedies that happened in April in Britain. 

Piece 1- The purpose of this piece isto unform the reader of the uses and differences between the teas in a cutesy way. Instead of reading science-y accounts on the effects of tea Janelle gave more personal accounts of what the teas do to her body.

Piece 2- This blog post, at least for me, fulfilled the purpose of making me feel less bad about my procrastination. Janelle writes about ignoring her term paper to draw childhood memories and it seems like she might be trying to comfort herself over it too. 

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