Sunday, February 7, 2016

Stakeholder #2

Kali. "Wester Star". 07/08/2011 via Deviant Art.
Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0

Stake Holder number two is Bradley Cooper. Cooper is on the same side of the controversy as Jennifer Lawrence but he has a different point of view.

1. Who is the stakeholder?

Bradley Cooper is a 41 year old actor born and raised in Philadelphia. This handsome actor with his blue eyes and deep voice often plays action characters in his movies, and if not action characters they are still always strong. In the movie, "Silver Linings Playbook" Cooper plays a mentally distraught man who cannot control his emotions, especially anger but strives to overcome his mental illness with the help of his also mentally ill friend played by Jennifer Lawrence. Cooper has been acting for years and has accumulated over 20 awards and received just short of 70 nominations. The actor was named People Magazine's Sexiest man alive in 2011, he's a fit and muscular 6 feet 1 inch in height, with piercing ice blue eyes and brown wavy hair. Despite the actor reaching "middle age"he still play the characters of much younger men. Despite Cooper's dashing looks he's not just a pretty face. Cooper also has a Bachelors degree from Georgetown University and an MFA in acting from The New School. Cooper's Hollywood acting career began in 2002 and he has been acting ever since

2. 3 Specific Claims

1. Actors should stand up and defend their female co-stars.

2. Men should be willing to take a pay cut in order for women to make the same money as them.

3. Actors should potentially negotiate equal pay for women.

3. How Credible are these Claims?

1. This claim comes from an article that I believe could be biased because of the location and age of the author. With that being said however, this claim is mostly centered around Cooper's opinions and therefore cannot necessarily be wrong.
2. This claim comes from the same potentially biased article as the first one but is backed up by a second article making the claim appear more justified.

3. This claim is the most outrageous of them all if you ask me but it is, once again, mentioned in multiple articles. Cooper seems to be interested in teaching his female co-stars ho to negotiate.
4. How do these claims compare to the other stakeholders?

 Lawrence never says anything about needing men to back her up so these, while they do not appose those of Jennifer Lawrence, do not necessarily agree either. These completely contradict those of co-star Jeremy Renner who believes that woman should really figure it out for themselves.

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