Sunday, March 27, 2016

Peer Review for Marvin Chaires

In this blog post I will be commenting on my peer review for Marvin Chaires. Marvin is not in my English section but instead is in the 8am section. I chose to comment on Marvin's post because he did a QRG and after project one I feel very confident in QRG's and I think I can help out at least a little in the genre convention department.

Chemical Writing in Some of Its Shapes and Sizes by Marvin Chaires

Marvin's QRG can be found here
My Comments can be found here

I selected Activity 2 as I think Marvin s on the right track in terms of genre conventions but definitely has some changes and additions to be made!

I think I helped Marvin in breaking down the genre conventions of a QRG. I thought the hardest part of making a QRG was including/remembering all of the conventions and I think stating them individually was probably helpful.

I incorporated the genre conventions that are apparent in the genre examples on d2l. After doing a QRG for our lst project I remeber having to figure out subheading, photos, hyperlinking, sidebars, and white space so I referenced that information.

His content, for being a rough draft, was spot on. He included all of the necessary information and I admire that as content is often the hardest thing for me to do. I learned that maybe if I focus more on the content and then on the conventions I might feel more confident in my project at the end.

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