Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Reflection on Pre-Production

In this blog post I will be talking about how my Pre-Production process went. We were given extra time to do Pre-Production and we were required to plan our next week and interview our aubjects. I will be covering aphis that all went and how I am feeling about the project and next few weeks overall.

1. What were some of the successes (or, things that went right) during this week’s process work? Explain, with evidence.

  •  I was able to conducted both of my interviews face-to-face and on time. I believe I got all of the information I need and when I sent a few follow up questions via email each interviewee responded. 
  • I was able to create an intuitive Outline for the next week so I can enjoy my spring break!!!! :)
  • I chose a genre that I feel confident in

2. What were some of the challenges (or, things that went wrong) during this week’s process work? Explain, with evidence.

  • I redid my outline. I had initially wanted to do a podcast but changed my mind halfway through doing it and had to start over
  • I had trouble deciding what genres are actually prevelant in my topic. Each interviewee is so different that there is very little genre overlap

3. How do you think next week will go, based on your experiences this week?

I'm feeling very confident for this next week. I have a schedule that works around all of my tests and midterms to work on just English and I feel I will have enough time over this weekend to do anything that doesn't get done as it should throughout the week. I do feel like my outline needs some work however and that is a small point of concern for me at this point.

4. How are you feeling about the project overall at this point?

A bit uneasy I'd say. I am confident that I can write a good paper and I can create a well done work but I am nervous about effectively integrating the rhetorical appeals into a paper because a standard college essay just seems so dry to me. At this point I am hopeful but nervous and very ready to come in for office hours if writing my essay doesn't come together like I want.

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