Sunday, March 27, 2016

Peer Review for Alec Eulano

In this post I will be covering my peer review of Alec, he was a member of my group for this project and also wrote an Essay.

An Investigation of the Specificity in Political Science Genres by Alec Eulano

Alec's rough cut can be found here
My review comment can be found here

I selected activity 2 and critiqued the genre conventions that Alec used in order to convey/create a Standard college essay. I chose to do this because I felt as though his content was strong but some of the genre conventions were missing.

I think I helped Alec in refining the genre conventions that are so easy to overlook. When we have so much going on as both English students and students in general is easy to overlook the conventions of an essay since we've all been writing them for so long.

I incorporated the genre conventions that are not only provided through examples on d2l but also were talked about in class on Friday. I referenced the genre examples when doing my own project so I just had to refer back to them when writing my comment for Alec.

I admired his use of a quote for the intro. I found it to be catching and i made me want to read more, like why is this quote here? What is the significance? I found that to be gutsy and smart.

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