Friday, May 6, 2016

THE LAST BLOG POST OF THE SEMESTER AKA Peer Review for Sarah Moskowitz

In this blog post I will be peer editing a final draft for a student that is not in my section! I am very excited to do this blog post because after this I am done!!!!!!!!!!! So lets get to it

Audience Question:
How did you practice your editorial skills this week in peer review?

  • I practiced my editorial skills by reading Sarah's final draft and commenting on the genre conventions that her SCE fulfilled.
Author Response:
  • Sarah did a really great job of staying formal while talking about herself. A SCE is often quite formal by nature and Sarah did a great job or respecting that while still fulfilling what was needed form a content standpoint. I commented mainly on the Genre conventions of a SCE because I have completed that genre and have looked at many examples throughout the year. I think I helped Sarah in confirming that she should feel confident in what she created, her essay is strong, well written, and  meets all of the conventions of an essay.
My Peer review for Sarah can be found here

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