Saturday, January 23, 2016

Investigating Genres

VennerConcept. "Play the video". 08/12/11 via Deviant Art.
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported
1. What purpose(s) does this genre usually serve?

The way I see it most literary genres serve one of two purposes: to entertain or inform. While many works of any genre are able to achieve both they all seem to have one of the two purposes in mind. In the case of video essays I believe they are made to inform the viewer of issues that the author finds interesting and note-worthy. These essays are presented in a way that compels and interests the viewer. The means of presentation is entertaining but I believe that the entertainment is used as a vessel for the information the author wishes to construe.

2. Where, how, or in what context do readers usually find this genre?

Video essays, overall, are found online. They can be posted on social media sites, video servers, or included in the body of an online article. Anyone with a computer and a camera can easily produce one of these works. Often times these articles are made to inform the viewer of information that is best presented with a large amount of context. The video essays which I have viewed all use specific media examples to give their essays context and purpose. Without the examples, (movie clips, music, commercials, etc.), the video essays would feel less like essays and more like random rants.

3. Who is the typical audience for this genre?

This genre interests me because it is truly made to appeal to those who are a bit lazy. Often these video essays are included as a part of a larger written article, an article that could be read and understood within twenty-minutes. However, these videos are only about ten-minutes long and take no effort to watch; you just have to press play. Due to the fact that video essays are watched and listened to and not read means that anyone who understands the language that is being spoken can consume the information that is being presented. The audience is expected to be intelligent as the authors do not speak in short, simple sentences, and do not limit themselves to small words. The authors also often talk about interesting and controversial topics that the uninformed person most likely would not know about or understand. The audience for video essays is best explained as being informed people of the spoken language who have access to technology and hold an interest in the topic that is being covered but do not have the time or will to read the entire article.

4. What are some of the key features or characteristics that are unique to this genre, distinguishing it from other texts?

Video essays are entirely unique as they provide information that has previously only been available in written form in a form that is both auditory and visual. I believe the feature that makes this genre to unique is the ability the author has to add in other media. In a printed paper the author does not have the ability to add a video or music to add context to the work but a video author does. A video essay is definitely based in the author’s own thoughts and ideas but is easily supported and structured by the use of examples from any other genre. Video essays are unique because a single work can include any other work from any other genre.

5. Based on your answers to the questions above, come up for a definition in your own words for this genre.

I would define a video essay as a creative genre that is used to explore an idea that is best discovered by a mix of first hand concepts and the use of supporting works.


After reading a few of my peers posts the importance of the internet is very obvious to me. I did mention that the audience would be tech savvy people but I did not take into consideration how easily spread a video essay is. This genre can be used academically, professionally, and for recreation as it can be spread and posted all over the web in seconds. I also now see the importance of an intriguing opening. Even with movies I find myself uninterested if the first few minutes do not draw me in and the same goes for these video essays.


  1. Hi Julia! I really loved your blog post, and I think your layout is super cute! I agree that video essays need to be interesting to appeal to a general, internet-using public. I do think, though, this applies to the video itself. I feel that video essays that incorporate interesting visuals, in addition to dynamic word choice, makes for a better presentation. Even things like lighting and camera angles help in this sense.

  2. Note on conventions of the blog post genre: Revisit Step 1.5 from "Deadline 1" to re-familiarize yourself with the conventions of blogging. You're missing one item on the bulleted list of conventions there.
